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Story Board
CK Films
Below are screen grabs and Scene details from our teaser trailer for Second Chance.

Scene 1
Roman and Noah break in to The Vine Church

Scene 2
Noah takes the blame for the crime. He gets arrested.

Scene 3
Pastor Peter and Pastor John decide to show Noah mercy by giving him a second chance. They don't press felony charges, but instead have him serve community service.

Scene 4
Noah starts his first day of community service at The Vine Church.

Scene 4
Noah walks through the church on his first day of community service.

Scene 5
Noah notices Cassie for the first time.

Scene 5
Cassie notices Noah. They are immediately attracted to one another until Cassie finds out he is the guy who stole from the church.

Scene 8
Pastor Peter announces that Cassie is hosting the church's first ever Vacation Bible School.

Scene 9
Noah is a talented artist.

Scene 10
Noah tries to hustle and make a living by selling his art. But no one seems interested.

Scene 11
Cassie finds out that Sandra can no longer help with the art for VBS. Cassie is devastated as she is incapable at doing anything artistic.

Scene 12
Cassie tells Peter they need to postpone VBS.
Peter responds " God doesn't ask us to be perfect, He asks us to be willing."
He then tells Cassie she needs to oversee Noahs community service hours.
Peter responds " God doesn't ask us to be perfect, He asks us to be willing."
He then tells Cassie she needs to oversee Noahs community service hours.

Scene 16
Cassie is stressed trying to figure out curriculum for VBS all while being forced to manage Noahs community service. Noah gets on her nerves as he cleans the sanctuary making a ton of noise.

Scene 15
Cassie and Noah bicker over the scripture verse "Let us love one another, for love comes from God."
They don't realize it, but both are being judgmental towards one another.
They don't realize it, but both are being judgmental towards one another.

Scene 18
Cassie secretly checks out Noah as he lifts a heavy chair for her.

Scene 19
Cassie and Noah collide into each other and Noah's art goes flying. Cassie notices Noah's artistic abilities for the first time.

Scene 20
Cassie, defeated about the art for VBS, mopes in her office. Noah notices, and offers to help her with the art. He tells her that he grew up going to church.

Scene 21
Noah flirtatiously picks Cassie up as he cleans the sanctuary.

Scene 24
Cassie drops a box full of teas, and her and Noah bend down at the same time to grab it. Their hands touch, and their eyes meet for a deep intimate stare.

Scene 27
Cassie tells Noah that we are all sinners in need of Gods Grace. She tells him that he is a great guy.

Scene 28
Roman tells Noah that they are getting evicted. Noah says "I finally feel like I'm doing things right. I don't wanna go back to the old way."

Children's Ministry Director
Cassie teaches the kids about Jonah and the Whale, using the art that Noah made for her.

Scene 29
Pastor Peter preaches a powerful message about the Prodigal son.

Scene 30
Noah is overcome with emotion as he feels the depth of God's love for him.
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